APMODY: the best blogger template for posting apps as well as articles in one blog.. Test link Get now!

How to enable the Counter feature

Configure post counter widget (view.download, clap) in APMODY template.

The counter in this APMODY template will display the number of views, downloads (APP posts) and votes/claps on posts. Interesting right? However, this feature is quite rarely found in blogger templates. This is due to limited developer access in developing this blogger template.

For this reason, we use a third party service, namely Firebase from Google as a data storage place (Realtime Database). But you don't need to worry about costs, because you can use this service for free.

How to create a Realtime Database in Firebase

Before creating a realtime database, make sure you have logged in using your Google account. and if you have already created a database in Firebase, you can skip this step.

  1. visit the Firebase console page.
  2. Create a new project, by clicking the Add project menu.
  3. In the Project name input form, fill in the name of your project and follow the existing naming rules, then click Continue.
  4. in the Enable Google Analytics for this project section you can deactivate it, because at this time we don't need it. so just click Create project.
  5. wait a few moments, and the project has been successfully created.
  6. open your project, then find and click the Build dropdown menu, select Realtime Database.
  7. click the Create Database button, wait for the database setup popup to load.
  8. in the Database options step in the Realtime Database Location menu, choose according to your wishes, but we recommend choosing the one closest to your geographic location.
  9. for the Security rules step, just click Enable, we will set it later.
  10. once the database is successfully created, click the link icon to copy your Realtime Database url. save the link, later we will apply it to the template.
  11. click the Rules tab, then overwrite the rules settings in the rules editor with the contents of the rules-firebase-rtdb.txt file. Make sure you have adjusted the blogID section to your blog.
  12. then click Publish to save it.
  13. setup in firebase is complete. Continue to settings on Blogger.

How to activate the counter feature

Following are the steps to activate the counter feature in the APMODY template.

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Theme.
  2. click the Customize button, you will be directed to the blogger customization page.
  3. In the sidebar, scroll down until you find the Advanced dropdown menu, then click.
  4. make sure it is in the Features menu group, then look for the Counter Post (Enable/Disable) feature option.
    Information: 1 to enable, and 2 to disable the feature.
  5. Save settings by clicking the icon .

How to configure APMODY counters

After activating the counter in the template, you need to set the counter feature in the settings widget. Follow these steps:

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Layout.
  2. scroll down until you find the APMODY Settings section.
  3. click edit on the Counter Post widget, a widget configuration pop up will appear.
  4. adjust the settings below:
    "databaseURL": "https://xxx.firebasedatabase.app",
    "limitClap": 10,
    "tx": ["Clap +$1", "Clap has reached the limit ($1)"]
    1. replace it with the Realtime Database link that you created.
    2. maximum visitor votes/claps for each post.
    3. notification text when you successfully click clap on the post.
    4. notification text if the clap has reached the maximum number.
  5. Make sure the Show this widget toggle switch is active, then click Save.

For further customization of this counter widget, you can search in editHTML with the keyword countPs.

Counter pada template APMODY ini akan menampilkan jumlah tampilan, unduhan (post APP) dan vote/clap pada postingan. Menarik bukan? namun fitur ini cukup jarang ditemui ditemplate-template blogger. itu karena keterbatasan akses pengembang dalam mengembangkan template blogger ini.

Untuk itu kami menggunakan layanan pihak ketiga, yaitu Firebase dari Google sebagai tempat penyimpanan data (Realtime Database). Tetapi Anda tidak perlu khawatir masalah biaya, karena layanan ini bisa Anda gunakan secara gratis.

Cara membuat Realtime Database di Firebase

sebelum membuat realtime database, pastikan Anda sudah login menggunakan akun google Anda. dan jika Anda sudah pernah membuatnya database di Firebase, bisa melewati langkah ini.

  1. kunjungi halaman Firebase console.
  2. buatlah sebuah project baru, dengan cara klik menu Add project.
  3. pada form input Project name isi dengan nama project Anda dan ikuti aturan penamaan yang ada, kemudian klik Contunue.
  4. di bagian Enable Google Analytics for this project Anda bisa nonaktifkan, karena saat ini kita tidak membutuhkannya. jadi langsung saja klik Create project.
  5. tunggu beberapa saat, dan project berhasil dibuat.
  6. buka project Anda, lalu cari dan klik menu dropdown Build, pilih Realtime Database.
  7. klik tombol Create Database, tunggu popup setup database dimuat.
  8. pada step Database options menu pilihan Realtime Database Location pilih sesuai keinginan Anda, namun kami sarankan pilihlah yang paling dekat dengan lokasi geografis Anda.
  9. untuk step Security rules langsung saja klik Enable, itu akan kita atur nanti.
  10. setelah database berhasil dibuat, klik ikon link untuk menyalin url Realtime Database Anda. simpan tautan tersebut, nantinya akan kita terapkan di template.
  11. klik tab Rules, lalu timpa pengaturan rules yang ada di rules editor dengan isi file rules-firebase-rtdb.txt. pastikan bagian blogID sudah Anda sesuaikan dengan blog Anda.
  12. kemudian klik Publish untuk menyimpannya.
  13. pengaturan di firebase sudah selesai. lanjut ke pengaturan di blogger.

Cara mengaktifkan fitur counter

berikut langkah-langkah untuk mengaktifkan fitur counter pada template APMODY.

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tema.
  2. klik tombol Sesuaikan, Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman kustomisasi blogger.
  3. pada sidebar, scroll kebawah sampai menemukan menu dropdown Lanjutkan, lalu klik.
  4. pastikan berada di grup menu Features, kemudian cari opsi fitur Counter Post (Enable/Disable).
    Keterangan: 1 untuk mengaktifkan, dan 2 untuk menonaktifkan fitur.
  5. Simpan pengaturan dengan cara klik ikon .

Cara mengonfigurasi counter APMODY

Setelah mengaktifkan counter di template, Anda perlu melakukan pengaturan fitur counter di widget setting. Ikuti langkah berikut:

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tata Letak.
  2. scroll kebawah sampai menemukan section APMODY Settings.
  3. klik edit pada widget Counter Post, akan muncul pop up konfigurasi widget.
  4. sesuaikan pengaturan dibawah:
    "databaseURL": "https://xxx.firebasedatabase.app",
    "limitClap": 10,
    "tx": ["Clap +$1", "Clap has reached the limit ($1)"]
    1. ganti dengan tautan Realtime Database yang sudah Anda buat.
    2. maksimal vote/clap pengunjung untuk setiap postingan.
    3. teks notifikasi saat berhasil klik clap di postingan.
    4. teks notifikasi jika clap sudah mencapai jumlah maksimal.
  5. pastikan pada toogle switch Tampilkan widget ini sudah aktif, lalu klik Simpan.

untuk kustomisasi lebih lanjut mengenai widget counter ini, Anda bisa melakukan pencarian di editHTML dengan kata kunci countPs.

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