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How to use the post bookmark feature

The bookmark post feature on APMODY is useful for visitors to save certain posts that they may not have had time to read or consider important. So, when you open the blog again it will be easy to find the post.

Post bookmark data is stored in the browser's Local Storage. This feature is also an alternative to bookmarking in the browser, because some visitors prefer to save the URL of the blog post rather than saving it in the browser bookmark.

How to activate the bookmark widget

Here are the steps to activate the post bookmark feature in the template:

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Theme.
  2. click the Customize button, you will be directed to the blogger customization page.
  3. In the sidebar, scroll down until you find the Advanced dropdown menu, then click.
  4. Make sure it is in the Features menu group, then look for the Bookmark Post (Enable/Disable) feature option.
    Information: 1 to enable, and 2 to disable the feature.
  5. Save settings by clicking the icon .

How to configure the bookmark widget

After activating bookmarks in the template, you need to make some settings in the settings widget. Follow these steps:

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Layout.
  2. scroll down until you find the APMODY Settings section.
  3. click edit on the Bookmark widget, a widget configuration pop up will appear.
  4. adjust the settings below:
    "nMes": "The list of favorite articles does not exist yet...",
    "nText": "View all articles",
    "nLink": "/search",
    "add": "<b>Added</b> to Bookmarks!",
    "rem": "<b>Removed</b> from Bookmarks!"
    1. text message if there are no bookmarks.
    2. button text when there is no bookmark.
    3. button link when there are no bookmarks.
    4. notification when a post is added to bookmarks.
    5. notification when a post is removed from bookmarks.
  5. Make sure the Show this widget toggle switch is active, then click Save.

Fitur bookmark post pada APMODY ini berguna bagi pengunjung untuk menyimpan postingan tertentu yang mungkin belum sempat dibaca atau dianggap penting. Sehingga, saat membuka blog kembali akan mudah menemukan postingan tersebut.

Data bookmark postingan disimpan di Local Storage browser. fitur ini juga sebagai alternatif bookmark pada browser, karena beberapa pengunjung lebih menyukai menyimpan url postingan diblog tersebut dibanding menyimpan dibookmark browser.

Cara mengaktifkan widget bookmark

berikut langkah untuk mengaktifkan fitur bookmark postingan pada template:

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tema.
  2. klik tombol Sesuaikan, Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman kustomisasi blogger.
  3. pada sidebar, scroll kebawah sampai menemukan menu dropdown Lanjutkan, lalu klik.
  4. pastikan berada di grup menu Features, kemudian cari opsi fitur Bookmark Post (Enable/Disable).
    Keterangan: 1 untuk mengaktifkan, dan 2 untuk menonaktifkan fitur.
  5. Simpan pengaturan dengan cara klik ikon .

Cara mengonfigurasi widget bookmark

Setelah mengaktifkan bookmark di template, Anda perlu melakukan beberapa pengaturan di widget setting. Ikuti langkah berikut:

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tata Letak.
  2. scroll kebawah sampai menemukan section APMODY Settings.
  3. klik edit pada widget Bookmark, akan muncul pop up konfigurasi widget.
  4. sesuaikan pengaturan dibawah:
    "nMes": "The list of favorite articles does not exist yet...",
    "nText": "View all articles",
    "nLink": "/search",
    "add": "<b>Added</b> to Bookmarks!",
    "rem": "<b>Removed</b> from Bookmarks!"
    1. pesan teks jika tidak ada bookmark.
    2. teks tombol saat tidak ada bookmark.
    3. tuatan tombol saat tidak ada bookmark.
    4. notifikasi saat postingan di tambahkan ke bookmark.
    5. notifikasi saat postingan di hapus dari bookmark.
  5. pastikan pada toogle switch Tampilkan widget ini sudah aktif, lalu klik Simpan.
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