APMODY: the best blogger template for posting apps as well as articles in one blog.. Test link Get now!

Widget Settings and Customization

Additional settings for some modified Blogger default widgets.
Table of Content:

How to change the appearance of the Box style

The APMODY template provides 2 display styles, namely box style and standard, you can set them here:

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Theme.
  2. click the Customize button, you will be directed to the blogger customization page.
  3. In the sidebar, scroll down until you find the Advanced dropdown menu, then click.
  4. Make sure it is in the Features menu group, then look for the Style (Box/Standard) feature option.
    Information: 1 for Box display, and 2 for standard display.
  5. Save settings by clicking the icon .

How to enable lazyFont

This lazyFont feature functions to improve pagespeed scores, you can follow the steps below to activate it.

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Theme.
  2. click the Customize button, you will be directed to the blogger customization page.
  3. In the sidebar, scroll down until you find the Advanced dropdown menu, then click.
  4. Make sure it is in the Features menu group, then look for the Lazy Font (Enable/Disable) feature option.
    Information: 1 to enable, and 2 to disable the feature.
  5. Save settings by clicking the icon .

How to activate the scroll indicator

This page indicator scroll widget is displayed under the header and on the back to top button, here's how to activate it:

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Theme.
  2. click the Customize button, you will be directed to the blogger customization page.
  3. In the sidebar, scroll down until you find the Advanced dropdown menu, then click.
  4. Make sure it is in the Features menu group, then look for the Scroll Indicator (Enable/Disable) feature option.
    Information: 1 to enable, and 2 to disable the feature.
  5. Save settings by clicking the icon .

Google Translate

For those of you who create content targeting global visitors, this Google Translator widget is very helpful. follow these steps to activate it:

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Theme.
  2. click the Customize button, you will be directed to the blogger customization page.
  3. In the sidebar, scroll down until you find the Advanced dropdown menu, then click.
  4. Make sure it is in the Features menu group, then look for the Google Translate (Enable/Disable) feature option.
    Information: 1 to enable, and 2 to disable the feature.
  5. Save settings by clicking the icon .

Maintenance Widget

This maintenance widget functions as a notification that the blog is under maintenance. It will display the countdown time for the end of maintenance, and visitors will not be able to access the blog as usual. To activate it follow these steps:

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Layout.
  2. search for the section name Blog Notifications.
  3. click the edit button (pencil icon) on the Site is Under Maintenance widget, a widget configuration pop up will appear.
  4. in the Title column, fill in as desired (optional).
  5. in the Content column, set the code like this:
    Please come back again in...
    const mtEndOn = 'Nov 25 2023 00:00:00 GMT+07:00';
    1. change the body widget content as desired.
    2. set the value of the mtEndOn variable according to the maintenance end time.
  6. make sure the Show this widget toggle switch is active, then click Save

Notification Widgets

This widget will be displayed at the top of the page (above the header) and can be used for various functions such as displaying group join links, or any content. Here are the steps:

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Layout.
  2. search for the section name Blog Notifications.
  3. click the edit button (pencil icon) on the Notification widget, a widget configuration pop up will appear.
  4. in the Content column, set this code:
    <div class='ntfA'>
      <span>APMODY: the best blogger template for posting apps as well as articles in one blog..
        <a href='#!'>Test link</a>
      <a target="_blank" href="#!">Get now!</a>
    Information: change the code marked with any content.
  5. Make sure the Show this widget toggle switch is active, then click Save.

Post by Label Widget

This widget displays posts based on labels, which will be displayed on the homePage. Here's the configuration:

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Layout.
  2. search for the section name Post by Label [1] or Post by Label [2].
  3. click the edit button (pencil icon) on the widget contained in it, a widget configuration pop up will appear.
  4. scroll down and focus on the Link list section, you can add or edit existing items.
  5. in the Site name column, fill in the name of the post label.
  6. and in the site URL column, enter the number of posts you want to display.
  7. Make sure the Show this widget toggle switch is active, then click Save.

Widget quickEdit

The quickEdit widget is a widget that is quite important, because you can easily access menus such as editing posts and other blogger link shortcuts when opening a blog. This widget automatically detects blogger accounts that have admin access rights on the blog, follow the following configuration for more details.

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Layout.
  2. scroll down until you find the APMODY Settings section.
  3. click edit on the Quick Edit widget, a widget configuration pop up will appear.
  4. adjust the settings below:
    "keepSafe": true,
    "privateBlog": false,
    "tx": [],
    "ic": []
    1. This setting is used to minimize theft of content or code on the blog, such as limiting visitors from copying certain content or inspecting elements. You can activate it by providing the value true, or false to disable it. For blog admins, the feature will have no effect.
    2. used as an alternative to hiding blog content on blogger. Different from the private blog mode in Blogger settings which does not allow access from visitors, in privateBlog this only removes the content and the blog can still be accessed. You can activate it by providing the value true, or false to disable it.
    3. text of the quickEdit shortcut link, this is the default value:
      "tx": ["Settings", "Comments", "Backup content", "Dashboard", "7-days $1 stats", "Edit post"],
      customize the marked text to your liking.
    4. icon of the QuickEdit shortcut, here are the default values:
      "ic": [
        "<svg class='line svg-1' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><g transform='translate(3.500000, 2.500000)'><path d='M8.5,7 C9.88088012,7 11,8.11911988 11,9.5 C11,10.8808801 9.88088012,12 8.5,12 C7.11911988,12 6,10.8808801 6,9.5 C6,8.11911988 7.11911988,7 8.5,7 Z'></path><path d='M16.6680023,4.75024695 L16.6680023,4.75024695 C15.9844554,3.55799324 14.4712377,3.15003899 13.2885153,3.83852352 C12.2597626,4.43613205 10.9740669,3.68838056 10.9740669,2.49217572 C10.9740669,1.11619444 9.86587758,0 8.4997646,0 L8.4997646,0 C7.13365161,0 6.02546233,1.11619444 6.02546233,2.49217572 C6.02546233,3.68838056 4.73976662,4.43613205 3.71199461,3.83852352 C2.52829154,3.15003899 1.01507378,3.55799324 0.331526939,4.75024695 C-0.351039204,5.94250065 0.053989269,7.46664934 1.23769234,8.15414609 C2.26546435,8.7527424 2.26546435,10.2472576 1.23769234,10.8458539 C0.053989269,11.5343384 -0.351039204,13.0584871 0.331526939,14.2497531 C1.01507378,15.4420068 2.52829154,15.849961 3.71101391,15.1624643 L3.71199461,15.1624643 C4.73976662,14.5638679 6.02546233,15.3116194 6.02546233,16.5078243 L6.02546233,16.5078243 C6.02546233,17.8838056 7.13365161,19 8.4997646,19 L8.4997646,19 C9.86587758,19 10.9740669,17.8838056 10.9740669,16.5078243 L10.9740669,16.5078243 C10.9740669,15.3116194 12.2597626,14.5638679 13.2885153,15.1624643 C14.4712377,15.849961 15.9844554,15.4420068 16.6680023,14.2497531 C17.3515491,13.0584871 16.9455399,11.5343384 15.7628176,10.8458539 L15.7618369,10.8458539 C14.7340648,10.2472576 14.7340648,8.7527424 15.7628176,8.15414609 C16.9455399,7.46664934 17.3515491,5.94250065 16.6680023,4.75024695 Z'></path></g></svg> <svg class='svg-2 line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><line x1='18' x2='6' y1='6' y2='18'></line><line x1='6' x2='18' y1='6' y2='18'></line></svg>",
        "<svg class='line svg-1' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><g transform='translate(3.500000, 2.500000)'><path d='M8.5,7 C9.88088012,7 11,8.11911988 11,9.5 C11,10.8808801 9.88088012,12 8.5,12 C7.11911988,12 6,10.8808801 6,9.5 C6,8.11911988 7.11911988,7 8.5,7 Z'></path><path d='M16.6680023,4.75024695 L16.6680023,4.75024695 C15.9844554,3.55799324 14.4712377,3.15003899 13.2885153,3.83852352 C12.2597626,4.43613205 10.9740669,3.68838056 10.9740669,2.49217572 C10.9740669,1.11619444 9.86587758,0 8.4997646,0 L8.4997646,0 C7.13365161,0 6.02546233,1.11619444 6.02546233,2.49217572 C6.02546233,3.68838056 4.73976662,4.43613205 3.71199461,3.83852352 C2.52829154,3.15003899 1.01507378,3.55799324 0.331526939,4.75024695 C-0.351039204,5.94250065 0.053989269,7.46664934 1.23769234,8.15414609 C2.26546435,8.7527424 2.26546435,10.2472576 1.23769234,10.8458539 C0.053989269,11.5343384 -0.351039204,13.0584871 0.331526939,14.2497531 C1.01507378,15.4420068 2.52829154,15.849961 3.71101391,15.1624643 L3.71199461,15.1624643 C4.73976662,14.5638679 6.02546233,15.3116194 6.02546233,16.5078243 L6.02546233,16.5078243 C6.02546233,17.8838056 7.13365161,19 8.4997646,19 L8.4997646,19 C9.86587758,19 10.9740669,17.8838056 10.9740669,16.5078243 L10.9740669,16.5078243 C10.9740669,15.3116194 12.2597626,14.5638679 13.2885153,15.1624643 C14.4712377,15.849961 15.9844554,15.4420068 16.6680023,14.2497531 C17.3515491,13.0584871 16.9455399,11.5343384 15.7628176,10.8458539 L15.7618369,10.8458539 C14.7340648,10.2472576 14.7340648,8.7527424 15.7628176,8.15414609 C16.9455399,7.46664934 17.3515491,5.94250065 16.6680023,4.75024695 Z'></path></g></svg>",
        "<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><g transform='translate(2.000000, 2.000000)'><line x1='13.9394' x2='13.9484' y1='10.413' y2='10.413'></line><line x1='9.9304' x2='9.9394' y1='10.413' y2='10.413'></line><line x1='5.9214' x2='5.9304' y1='10.413' y2='10.413'></line><path d='M17.0710351,17.0698449 C14.0159481,20.1263505 9.48959549,20.7867004 5.78630747,19.074012 C5.23960769,18.8538953 1.70113357,19.8338667 0.933341969,19.0669763 C0.165550368,18.2990808 1.14639409,14.7601278 0.926307229,14.213354 C-0.787154393,10.5105699 -0.125888852,5.98259958 2.93020311,2.9270991 C6.83146881,-0.9756997 13.1697694,-0.9756997 17.0710351,2.9270991 C20.9803405,6.8359285 20.9723008,13.1680512 17.0710351,17.0698449 Z'></path></g></svg>",
        "<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><polyline points='8 17 12 21 16 17'></polyline><line x1='12' x2='12' y1='12' y2='21'></line><path d='M20.88 18.09A5 5 0 0 0 18 9h-1.26A8 8 0 1 0 3 16.29'></path></svg>",
        "<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><line x1='8' x2='21' y1='6' y2='6'></line><line x1='8' x2='21' y1='12' y2='12'></line><line x1='8' x2='21' y1='18' y2='18'></line><line x1='3' x2='3.01' y1='6' y2='6'></line><line x1='3' x2='3.01' y1='12' y2='12'></line><line x1='3' x2='3.01' y1='18' y2='18'></line></svg>",
        "<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><g transform='translate(2.300000, 2.300000)'><line x1='5.18305279' x2='5.18305279' y1='7.960947' y2='14.6546312'></line><line x1='9.73684179' x2='9.73684179' y1='4.757368' y2='14.6552627'></line><line x1='14.2156838' x2='14.2156838' y1='11.498211' y2='14.6550531'></line><path d='M-3.55271368e-14,9.73684211 C-3.55271368e-14,2.43473684 2.43473684,2.13162821e-14 9.73684211,2.13162821e-14 C17.0389474,2.13162821e-14 19.4736842,2.43473684 19.4736842,9.73684211 C19.4736842,17.0389474 17.0389474,19.4736842 9.73684211,19.4736842 C2.43473684,19.4736842 -3.55271368e-14,17.0389474 -3.55271368e-14,9.73684211 Z'></path></g></svg>",
        "<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M11 4H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-7'></path><path d='M18.5 2.5a2.121 2.121 0 0 1 3 3L12 15l-4 1 1-4 9.5-9.5z'></path></svg>",
        "<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><g transform='translate(3.500000, 3.500000)'><line x1='9.8352' x2='16.2122' y1='16.0078' y2='16.0078'></line><path d='M12.5578,1.3589 L12.5578,1.3589 C11.2138,0.3509 9.3078,0.6229 8.2998,1.9659 C8.2998,1.9659 3.2868,8.6439 1.5478,10.9609 C-0.1912,13.2789 1.4538,16.1509 1.4538,16.1509 C1.4538,16.1509 4.6978,16.8969 6.4118,14.6119 C8.1268,12.3279 13.1638,5.6169 13.1638,5.6169 C14.1718,4.2739 13.9008,2.3669 12.5578,1.3589 Z'></path><line x1='7.0041' x2='11.8681' y1='3.7114' y2='7.3624'></line></g></svg>",
      customize it with the icon you want, View all SVG icon collections.
  5. make sure the Show this widget toggle switch is active, then click Save.

For other widgets, you can experiment with the configuration yourself. And if there are any problems, you can contact us in the comments column or contact us, then we will update this page.

Customize label names

For some post types or styles we provide special names for labels. Such as the _Apps and _Games labels for APP posts, the Fullpage label for full page mode (hides the sidebar).

In certain cases you may want to change it as you wish, or adapt the post to the current template. You have to update the labels in posts one by one or edit templates which are quite complicated and prone to errors.

For this reason, we make it easy to edit the label name in the case above. You can follow these steps:

  1. go to Blogger Dashboard, select the Theme.
  2. click the icon next to the Customize button.
  3. click Edit HTML, you will be directed to the editing page.
  4. search for the following keywords, and change them to your liking:
    <Variable ... name="lbl.featured1" ... value="Featured 1"/>
    <Variable ... name="lbl.featured2" ... value="Featured 2"/>
    <Variable ... name="lbl.fullpage" ... value="Fullpage"/>
    <Variable ... name="lbl.sponsor" ... value="Sponsored"/>
    <Variable ... name="lc.app" ... value="Apps"/>
    <Variable ... name="ln.app" ... value="_Apps"/>
    <Variable ... name="lc.game" ... value="Games"/>
    <Variable ... name="ln.game" ... value="_Games"/>
    1. label name keyword
    2. change the label name to your liking.
Daftar isi:

Cara Mengubah tampilan style Box

Template APMODY menyediakan 2 gaya tampilan, yaitu box style dan standar, Anda bisa mengaturnya disini:

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tema.
  2. klik tombol Sesuaikan, Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman kustomisasi blogger.
  3. pada sidebar, scroll kebawah sampai menemukan menu dropdown Lanjutkan, lalu klik.
  4. pastikan berada di grup menu Features, kemudian cari opsi fitur Style (Box/Standard).
    Keterangan: 1 untuk tampilan Box, dan 2 untuk tampilan standard.
  5. Simpan pengaturan dengan cara klik ikon .

Cara mengaktifkan lazyFont

Fitur lazyFont ini berfungsi untuk memperbaiki skor pagespeed, Anda bisa mengikuti langkah berikut untuk mengaktifkannya.

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tema.
  2. klik tombol Sesuaikan, Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman kustomisasi blogger.
  3. pada sidebar, scroll kebawah sampai menemukan menu dropdown Lanjutkan, lalu klik.
  4. pastikan berada di grup menu Features, kemudian cari opsi fitur Lazy Font (Enable/Disable).
    Keterangan: 1 untuk mengaktifkan, dan 2 untuk menonaktifkan fitur.
  5. Simpan pengaturan dengan cara klik ikon .

Cara mengaktifkan scroll indikator

Widget scroll indikator halaman ini ditampilkan dibawah header dan ditombol back to top, berikut cara mengaktifkannya:

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tema.
  2. klik tombol Sesuaikan, Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman kustomisasi blogger.
  3. pada sidebar, scroll kebawah sampai menemukan menu dropdown Lanjutkan, lalu klik.
  4. pastikan berada di grup menu Features, kemudian cari opsi fitur Scroll Indicator (Enable/Disable).
    Keterangan: 1 untuk mengaktifkan, dan 2 untuk menonaktifkan fitur.
  5. Simpan pengaturan dengan cara klik ikon .

Google Translate

bagi Anda yang membuat konten dengan target pengunjung global, widget Google Translator ini sangat membantu. ikuti langkah berikut ini untuk mengaktifkannya:

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tema.
  2. klik tombol Sesuaikan, Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman kustomisasi blogger.
  3. pada sidebar, scroll kebawah sampai menemukan menu dropdown Lanjutkan, lalu klik.
  4. pastikan berada di grup menu Features, kemudian cari opsi fitur Google Translate (Enable/Disable).
    Keterangan: 1 untuk mengaktifkan, dan 2 untuk menonaktifkan fitur.
  5. Simpan pengaturan dengan cara klik ikon .

Widget Maintenance

Widget maintenance ini berfungsi sebagai pemberitahuan bahwa blog sedang dalam pemeliharaan. Akan menampilkan waktu mundur berakhirnya maintenance, dan pengunjung tidak bisa mengakses blog seperti biasa. Untuk mengaktifkannya ikuti langkah berikut:

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tata Letak.
  2. cari nama section Blog Notifications.
  3. klik tombol edit (icon pencil) pada widget Site is Under Maintenance, akan muncul pop up konfigurasi widget.
  4. pada kolom Judul, isikan sesuai keinginan (opsional).
  5. pada kolom Konten, atur kode seperti ini:
    Please come back again in...
    const mtEndOn = 'Nov 25 2023 00:00:00 GMT+07:00';
    1. ubah konten body widget sesuai keinginan.
    2. atur nilai variable mtEndOn sesuai waktu berakhirnya maintenance.
  6. pastikan pada toogle switch Tampilkan widget ini sudah aktif, lalu klik Simpan.

Widget Notification

Widget ini akan ditampilkan di paling atas halaman (diatas header) dan bisa digunakan untuk bebagai fungsi seperti menampilkan link join group, atau konten apapun. Berikut langkahnya:

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tata Letak.
  2. cari nama section Blog Notifications.
  3. klik tombol edit (icon pencil) pada widget Notification, akan muncul pop up konfigurasi widget.
  4. pada kolom Konten, atur kode ini:
    <div class='ntfA'>
      <span>APMODY: the best blogger template for posting apps as well as articles in one blog..
        <a href='#!'>Test link</a>
      <a target="_blank" href="#!">Get now!</a>
    Keterangan: ubah kode yang ditandai dengan konten apapun.
  5. pastikan pada toogle switch Tampilkan widget ini sudah aktif, lalu klik Simpan.

Widget Post by Label

Widget ini menampilkan postingan berdasarkan label, yang akan ditampikan di homePage. Berikut configurasinya:

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tata Letak.
  2. cari nama section Post by Label [1] atau Post by Label [2].
  3. klik tombol edit (icon pencil) pada widget yang ada didalamnya, akan muncul pop up konfigurasi widget.
  4. scroll kebawah dan fokus pada bagian Daftar link, Anda bisa tambahkan atau edit item yang ada.
  5. pada kolom Nama situs, isikan sesuai nama label postingan.
  6. dan pada kolom URL situs, isikan jumlah postingan yang ingin ditampilkan.
  7. pastikan pada toogle switch Tampilkan widget ini sudah aktif, lalu klik Simpan.

Widget quickEdit

Widget quickEdit merupakan salah satu widget yang cukup penting, karena Anda dengan mudah mengakses menu seperti edit postingan dan shortcut link blogger lainnya saat membuka blog. widget ini otomatis mendeteksi akun blogger yang memiliki hak akses admin pada blog, ikuti konfigurasi berikut untuk lebih jelasnya.

  1. masuk ke Dashboard Blogger, pilih menu Tata Letak.
  2. scroll kebawah sampai menemukan section APMODY Settings.
  3. klik edit pada widget Quick Edit, akan muncul pop up konfigurasi widget.
  4. sesuaikan pengaturan dibawah:
    "keepSafe": true,
    "privateBlog": false,
    "tx": [],
    "ic": []
    1. pengaturan ini digunakan untuk meminimalisir pencurian konten atau kode pada blog, seperti membatasi pengunjung menyalin konten atau inpect element tertentu. Anda bisa mengaktifkan dengan memberikan nilai true, atau false untuk menonaktifkannya. untuk admin blog fitur tidak akan berpengaruh.
    2. digunakan sebagai alternatif menyembunyikan konten blog di blogger. berbeda dengan mode private blog di pengaturan blogger yang tidak mengijinkan akses dari pengunjung, pada privateBlog ini hanya menghilangkan konten dan blog masih bisa diakses. Anda bisa mengaktifkan dengan memberikan nilai true, atau false untuk menonaktifkannya.
    3. teks dari shortcut link quickEdit, ini nilai defaultnya :
      "tx": ["Settings", "Comments", "Backup content", "Dashboard", "7-days $1 stats", "Edit post"],
      sesuaikan teks yang ditandai dengan keinginan Anda.
    4. icon dari shortcut quickEdit, berikut nilai defaultnya :
      "ic": [
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